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Make no dispute: Contract disagreements can hurt your bottom line

 Posted on October 14,2017 in Uncategorized

As a Texas business owner, you likely use contracts as an integral part of your overall business structure and regular transactions. From the signed agreements you may have with your employees to deals you set in writing with other companies, signing your name on the dotted line is probably quite familiar to you. Hopefully, you know enough about contracts to understand their importance in relation to your bottom line interests. Put another way, contracts gone bad can do a lot of damage to your business.

Therefore, like most savvy business owners, you do your best to make sure you clearly understand all terminology, obligations and responsibilities contained within a proposed agreement before you add your signature. Even then, problems may arise down the line that bring the validity of a certain deal into question. This is where a notary public can be a great asset.

A notarized contract is a solid contract

Do you have to have a notary public present to witness your contract signing? Most likely, you do not; however, doing so can help you prevent a lot of problems if one or more parties to a contract launches a dispute at some point. The following information is good for all business owners to know and may help you avoid or overcome a particular problem:

  • Notaries public are state certified. This means the state in which you sign the contract attests as valid a notarized witness to your contract or any documented signature.
  • A notarized document carries a legal guarantee that signature parties involved in the agreement are authentic and valid.
  • The law does require you to sign a few types of contracts in the presence of a notary public, such as real estate deeds.
  • If a notary has witnessed your contract, no party therein can deny that he or she signed it, which sometimes happens in court.
  • Federal courts automatically accept all notarized contracts as authentic; many state courts do as well.
  • Most notaries are bonded by insurance companies; if a notary public makes a mistake that causes you economic or business damages, the insurance company who bonded that particular notary can be held financially responsible for those damages.

Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of skilled negotiation and compromise to resolve a contract dispute. Other situations linger for months or longer before you can settle them. If solving your contract-related problem in as swift and economically feasible manner is a high priority for you, you can take similar action that others in Texas have taken by reaching out for experienced guidance and support.

A great asset to have on hand

Most business and commercial law attorneys are skilled negotiators. This is why many business owners rely on their services to help them overcome contract problems and protect their bottom lines. By reaching out for similar support, you may be able to get things back on track before your bottom line takes a major hit.

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