Texas Railroad Lawyer

We Understand The Needs Of Texas' Railroads
Railroads have played an essential role in the development of the Lone Star State. Today, they remain a vital part of Texas' economy — transporting people, livestock, and consumer goods to and from all corners of the state. Railroad companies are often faced with multiple types of legal issues, including matters related to crossing accidents, zoning, land use, and regulations. With the help of a skilled and experienced business law firm that has vast experience in railroad law, companies can make sure they are taking the correct steps to protect themselves and resolve legal issues correctly.
Cain & Kiel Law has long been a legal ally for those in the railroad industry across the state of Texas. Our attorneys are experienced in handling zoning issues that affect railroad operators, as well as civil litigation cases arising out of train derailments, crossing accidents, and other events that may result in lawsuits. With a team of experienced lawyers and ready access to the best experts in the field, our firm can help give you the edge in your administrative or litigation matter.
Defense in Civil Litigation Involving Train Accidents
There are multiple types of situations where railroad companies may need to defend against civil lawsuits. When train derailment occurs, a railroad company's use of tracks and equipment come under scrutiny. Defending railroad crossing accident that resulted in injury or death requires an experienced attorney who understands federal and state railroad law and the issues that are often raised. As a member of the National Association of Railroad Trial Counsel, Scott Cain has years of successful experience in protecting railroad companies' interests. Mr. Cain understands the legal strategies necessary to provide an effective stance in crossing accident litigation.
If you are a railroad company that is being sued as a result of a train accident, it is important to have an experienced legal team on your side. Our lawyers have represented railroad companies in multiple types of civil litigation matters, and our firm has handled more than 100 crossing accident cases and other civil claims. We understand the unique challenges that railroad operators face, and we know how to effectively defend against claims arising out of derailments, train collisions, or other incidents that have led to injuries or other types of losses.
Assisting Railroad Companies With Administrative Concerns
In addition to civil litigation, railroad companies may also need assistance with real estate or administrative matters. Zoning and land use issues can be complicated, and railroad companies may need to obtain special permits or variances in order to operate in certain areas. Regulations governing the railroad industry are constantly changing, and companies must stay up-to-date in order to avoid penalties. Our attorneys have experience assisting railroad companies with administrative issues, and we can help them address and resolve any concerns they may encounter.
Contact Our Johnson County Railroad Law Attorneys
If you are a railroad company that is facing legal challenges, Cain & Kiel Law can help. Our attorneys have extensive experience assisting railroad companies with civil litigation and administrative matters. Contact us at 817-645-1717 to arrange a consultation with one of our attorneys. Our firm is based in Cleburne and serves clients throughout Texas.
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