Cain & Kiel Law

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Normal vs. Unreasonable Buyer Demands in Tarrant County Real Estate

 Posted on March 12,2024 in Real Estate Law

TX real estate lawyerReaching a deal in real estate negotiations can be a process. There is often a lot of back-and-forth communication between the buyer, the seller, and their respective real estate agents and attorneys. The process should not be rushed, even if you need to move quickly and would like to sell your house as soon as possible. A normal, if sometimes annoying, part of the process involves responding to the buyer’s requests for repairs before they will close. Often, these requests are reasonable or even necessary to bring the property up to code before the municipality will allow the sale to go through. Other times, buyers can become excessively demanding. If you are not sure whether what your buyer is asking is reasonable, your Cleburne, TX, real estate attorney can help you determine whether complying with the request makes sense for you.

Common and Normal Repair Requests Before Closing

Some of the more common requests buyers make before they will agree to a home purchase that is usually reasonable include:

  • Municipal law issues - If you do not have a permit for your fence or your external stairs are not compliant with local and state ordinances, it is reasonable for the buyer to ask that this be fixed so the city will approve the sale - or at least not pursue a claim against the buyer once they own the property. 
  • Safety issues - If anything in your home might pose a safety risk, it is reasonable for the buyer to want the issue addressed before they buy the property. For example, the cracked paint in your sunroom might cause the buyer to worry about lead-based paint issues if your house was built before around 1980. 
  • Electrical upgrades - If your electrical panel is quite old, the buyer will probably ask that it be upgraded to a more modern device. 

Unusual or Concerning Buyer Demands 

Some less common and possibly excessive demands a buyer may make include:

  • Pricey cosmetic upgrades - There is nothing wrong with your carpeting, but the buyer wants you to put in hardwood flooring based on their own preferences.
  • Excessive security measures - While wanting a safe home is normal, unusual or extreme security measures, like reinforcing the doors or installing motion-activated flood lights on every window, is a project for the buyer. 
  • Leaving personal belongings - The buyer wants you to throw in your living room furniture at no cost because you are downsizing.

Ultimately, it is between you and your buyer what work you are willing to perform to close the sale. Your attorney can advise you as to whether a request is normal and how any repairs or upgrades should affect the sale price.

Contact a Cleburne, TX, Real Estate Lawyer 

Cain & Kiel Law is committed to helping real estate sellers reach a fair agreement with the buyer. Our Tarrant County, TX, real estate attorneys have more than 50 years of combined experience working in real estate law. Contact us at 817-645-1717 for your initial consultation.

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