Cain & Kiel Law

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Protect Your Business Through Effective Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Strategies

 Posted on January 05, 2023 in Uncategorized

hood county employment law attorneyWhile most businesses have anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies in place, many still face harassment or discrimination lawsuits because they fail to enforce those policies. More often than not, these are for repeat incidents that have, for one reason or another, gone unresolved. However, recent reports from across the county suggest that there are more single-incident cases today than there were just mere years ago. This can mean serious trouble for employers who fall short in providing a safe workplace environment for all.

The Increase in Single Incident Cases

As the notion and importance of equality becomes more widespread, and as judges and juries become more sympathetic to the effects of workplace harassment, more and more are ruling “extremely serious” or “severe” single incidents as viable unlawful harassment cases. Under federal law, this places the employer on the hook for liability, and such employers may become responsible for damages considered due.

Even cases that are ultimately dismissed have their negative effects on a business. Because they often remain as pending cases longer than may seem necessary, harassment and discrimination lawsuits can drastically impact on employee morale and productivity, and they may even cause long-lasting damage to a company’s reputation. Litigation costs associated with discrimination or harassment claims may also prove to be costly, especially if the claim survives past summary judgment. All in all, it is a situation that every employer should try and avoid if and whenever possible.

Harassment and Discrimination Prevention

All harassment and discrimination prevention plans should start with the creation of a comprehensive policy. To ensure all state and federal laws are addressed, it is best to complete this step with the help of a skilled and experienced business attorney. You and your attorney should also review this policy each quarter to ensure the policy stays up to date.

Once the policy is complete, review it with all managerial staff. Explain the policies, encourage questions, and invite discussions to ensure they fully understand the policy and how it is to be carried out. (You may even wish to make this training interactive to improve comprehension and reasoning applications.) Require that all managers sign a document that clearly states they have undergone discrimination training, and that they understand it. Repeat this same process with all employees, and provide regular training—quarterly, if possible—to reinforce the policy.

Consequences for violating policies should be clear and enforced. If you receive a complaint from an employee, or suspect that harassment is taking place, it is critical that you launch a thorough and in-depth investigation. If harassment or discrimination has taken place, take action per your policy guidelines and do not allow leniencies.

A Hood County Employment Law Attorney Can Help with Harassment or Discrimination Issues

If you own a business and would like help with developing anti-harassment and discrimination policies, or need representation during a harassment or discrimination lawsuit, it is critical to choose a law firm with both knowledge and experience in state and federal laws regarding workplace harassment. Contact a skilled Tarrant County business law attorney at Cain & Kiel Law today. Call 817-645-1717 for a confidential consultation with an experienced member of our team.





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